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Belchatow CCS Project, Poland

Belchatow Fact Sheet: Carbon Dioxide Capture and Storage Project

Fact Sheet: Carbon Dioxide Capture and Storage Project
Company/Alliance: PGE Elektrownia and Alstom
Location: Poland
Feedstock: Coal, lignite and hard coal
Process: Pulverized coal boiler combusting high-sulphur, lignite coal
Size: Phase 1: Pilot: 250 MW Phase 2: Full scale demonstration: 858 MW; 1.8 MT/Yr CO2
Capture Technology: Post-combustion (Alstom's advanced amines capture technology)
CO2 Fate: Saline aquifer
Timing: Phase 1: Pilot (2014) Phase 2: Full scale demonstration (2015)

Motivation/Economics:  Awarded €180 million from EU government in December 2009 as part of government economic recovery act. The Belchatow CCS initiative is one of the candidate projects to the EU CCS Demonstration Programme. The project submitted an application for as a single CCS project to receive funding from the EU NER300 fund (May 2011).

Comments: Elektrownia's Belchatow power station is Europe's largest CO2 polluter producing over 30 MT/Yr. The smaller scale 250 MW demo retrofit of unit 12 will capture approximately 0.1 MT/Yr. It will be followed by the second phase of a new 858 MW CCS included power station in 2015. The 858 MW station is already under construction and is expected to capture 1.8 MT/Yr.

Project Link: Belchatow project webpage

The Belchatow CCS Project is a proposal by Alstom and PGE Elektrownia Belchatow S.A. to develop a carbon capture and storage plant at the existing Belchatow power station in Poland.
In a 2008 media release Alstom stated that the company "will design and construct a pilot carbon capture plant at the existing unit 12 of the Belchatow power plant, which would capture approximately 100,000 tonnes per year of CO2 using Alstom’s advanced amines technology. The pilot will be jointly operated by Alstom and Elektrownia Belchatow and is expected to be in operation by mid 2011." The company also stated that the "second phase" of the project was to build a larger CCS plant to capture CO2 produced by Belchatow 2 Power Station which Alstom and PGE Elektrownia Belchatow have also proposed.
Alstom stated that the Belchatow CCS Project "is one of the candidate projects to the EU Flagship Programme for Carbon Capture and Storage."

Carbon Capture Plant (CCP)

The Belchatow CCS Project activities during the reporting period began with signing the FEED agreement (with Alstom Carbon Capture GmbH – FEED Contractor) for the Carbon Capture Plant (CCP), to be implemented using Alstom’s and The Dow Chemical’s post combustion advanced amine technology. One of the key FEED objective was obtaining the building permit. The necessary documentation was submitted to the local authority by the FEED Contractor on December 31st, 2009. The building permit was then issued on January 26th, 2010 and became validated on February 22nd, 2010. Along with the authority engineering documentation, other engineering documentation is currently prepared. As part of the FEED study, the capture advance amine process scheme was upgraded into the 2nd generation advanced amine process, which is forecast to reduce CCP operating costs; a considerable reduction in steam consumption is expected. The final FEED documentation delivery date was scheduled for September 30th, 2010, as defined in Amendment 1 to the FEED agreement signed on April 1st, 2010. At present the FEED study progress is estimated at around +/-80%.

The 2nd generation flow scheme results in several changes in the context of number and size of equipment. Therefore, it is necessary to bring the building documentation up-to-date to review the already obtained CCP building permit. To above mentioned activity is meant to be completed by the end of this year and, jointly with some early CCP detailed engineering work on the core process equipment (inter alia: absorber and regenerator columns with internals, plate heat exchangers), is included in the scope of supply determined in Amendment 2 signed between the parties on August 30th, 2010.
Besides the FEED activities, “capture ready” modifications to the 858MW Power Unit (Base Plant) were launched. Those are indispensable for connection of the CCP to the Base Plant. Modifications of the flue gas ducts and cooling water system were planned for the reporting period. The entire work mentioned above was completed. However, PGE Górnictwoi Energetyka Konwencjonalna Spółka Akcyjna “PGE GiEKSA” (previously PGE Elektrownia Bełchatów S.A.) has to include the steam pipeline construction, as required for the amine/CO2 solution regeneration process, in the scope of the necessary Base Plant adjustment program. Completion of this task is scheduled in parallel with CCP execution, after putting Base Plant into operation NTP for main contract for CCP execution (Implementation Contract) to be concluded with Alstom is now scheduled for the 1st quarter of 2011.
3D visualisation of the CCP installation
3D visualisation of the CCP installation
Flue gas ducts and cooling water system
for CCP – capture ready work package.

CO2 storage
CO2 storage site selection work is running in parallel to the CCP engineering works.
Geological examination of two out of the three storage structures under consideration, i.e.
Lutomiersk-Tuszyn and Wojszyce, is ongoing and includes 2D seismic, drilling tests, gravimetric and non-conventional research.
The third potential storage site, Budziszewice, isbelieved to already have adequate geological data archived and available.
Therefore, only data reprocessing and new interpretation is considered for this CO2 storage site location.
Drilling rig at the Wojszyce and Lutomiersk
– Tuszyn sites.
Protect area of the appraisal well at the Wojszyce site (Kaszewy-1 hole).
Storage site selection is a crucial issue for the Bełchatów CCS Project as a delay in relation to the original plans is already evident. This delay is caused mainly by problems with the public perception of an underground CO2 storage. There have been protests against performing the necessary geological examinations. As a result PGE GiEKSA has been refused to obtain the access to the relevant lands by landowners and some local authorities representatives. The situation has furthermore become more complex because the issue is being used by candidates for local authorities elections, scheduled for autumn 2010. This has considerable impact on the tight schedule of geological tasks. Consequently, the final storage site selection, originally scheduled for the end of 2010, is now preliminarily rescheduled for the first half of 2011.
As part of CCS Project management activities, an updated organizational scheme was implemented, which slightly modifies the project organizational chart presented in Annex 1 to the Grant Agreement. In addition to the updated project organizational scheme, the PGE Group, which is the largest power sector company in Poland and one of the largest in Central and Eastern Europe, is now after a consolidation process within the PGE Group. September 1st, 2010 as a turning point during this process as on that day PGE Górnictwo i Energetyka Konwencjonalna S.A was set up and Elektrownia Bełchatów is now one of the divisions in this consolidated entity.
Public awareness
An important aspect of a successful implementation of the Bełchatów CCS Project is public awareness. A program to disseminate information to stakeholders has been implemented with the following specific aims:
- General release of information concerning CCS Project related issues, and
- Public engagement program.
The public engagement campaign has become a crucial issue because, as previously mentioned, many protests have been encountered during the geological examination of the potential storage sites. To date, a series of meetings has been organized with the local authorities as well as local communities. The public awareness campaign is considered equally important as the financial or technical issues related to the Project.